Sometimes I wish my real life were a little more like my Facebook life.
My Facebook life is smiley, sunny, always happy, always beautiful. In my Facebook life, it never rains, the sky is never overcast, and the clouds never hover. I never lose my patience, never cry, never wish things were different. In my Facebook life, I don't serve peanut butter sandwiches for lunch and dinner. I don't have piles of laundry on my floor. I don't have fights with my husband.
In my picture perfect Facebook world, I read my Bible every day. I make all the right decisions, and I am never late. I rarely miss a shower, and if I do, it becomes a cute status update. As far as Facebook is concerned, I am a well-dressed, minivan-driving, park-going, stroller-pushing mom who is completely satisfied with her life and herself.
But here's the truth: Some days I want to hit the "dislike" button. Some days are rainy, cloudy, overcast. Messy house days. Frazzled mom days. Lousy dinner days. These are the moments I don't mobile upload.
The moments that just don't fit into my smiley, sunny, happy, beautiful Facebook life.